Discussion: To Keep or Not to Keep? Different Types of Book Collecting

If you’ve been on the internet at all in the last few months, I’m sure you’ve seen memes, videos and posts talking about Marie Kondo and her Netflix show, which was preceded by her popular book The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up.  This has caused quite a ripple effect which includes a number of book bloggers, booktubers and others to examine their collections and initiate a purge (or at least make them consider one).

One of Marie’s quotes was taken out of context regarding how many books she likes to keep and sparked quite a…discussion by some who took it at face value. I think the important take away from the varying opinions, whether people agree with Marie’s methods or not, is that either way it caused people to look at their own lifestyles and possessions. I have been known to watch extreme organizing shows when I know I need a push to clean, not because my home is in disarray, but because it’s a motivational push.

That being said, seeing how those in the book community react to this trend, or even respond to it has been interesting.  It’s important to remember that there are many different types of book collectors and everyone is entitled to their own preference regarding their collection.

There are those who prefer to have copies of every book they have read whether they liked it or not, because it’s something they have consumed and has memories attached to it.  Others prefer to only keep a small selection of books which are their favorite and most beloved of stories and not own any others.  Then there are some in the middle (like me) who have a large collection of books, but they are typically books they have enjoyed and many that they will read again.  I personally do not keep books that I don’t enjoy, or if I felt the story was enjoyable enough but don’t really feel it has a place on my shelf I will let it go to a better home.

There is nothing wrong with any of these styles of collecting.  People are allowed to collect in any way that gives them joy (a key point that Marie made, over and over again).  Too often people react negatively when they see another person collecting in a way that is different than their own, I think people often lose sight of the fact that we are all individual and what may work for them doesn’t work for other people.

So, if you watch Marie’s show or read her book and suddenly feel the urge to go through all of your books to narrow your collection, then do it! If you don’t feel like you need to, then don’t.  I regularly go through my collection of both read and unread books and purge those that I’ve changed my mind on. Do what works for you and what gives you the most peace of mind when you look at your books.

So what’s your collecting style? Let me know in the comments.

Happy reading!


Review: The Gilded Wolves by Roshani Chokshi

the gilded wolvesThis book is probably going to be in my top 5 books of the year, no joke. This book did take me a while to read, but I think a big part of that was the fact that I kept stopping simply so I could absorb what was happening.

The writing in this book is so rich and has so much depth. Chokshi’s description of the places and items were so well built that everything was vivid and could be seen in your mind’s eye. The Paris of 1889 that she built perfectly captured the glitz and opulence of the time, while also weaving in the fantastical elements she created.

I found myself falling in love with each character and their individual quirks. Every character was unique in their back story and motivation, so it was wonderful to see how their paths wove together and allowed them to work towards a common purpose. I won’t lie, there were quite a few tear filled moments as you see the consequences of actions unfolding, but I couldn’t stop reading and had to keep coming back to find out what happened.

I can’t wait for the sequel to this book to come out and waiting is probably going to drive me a little mad. While the story doesn’t necessarily end on a cliff hanger, there are definitely questions that still have to be answered and conflicts that have to be resolved. If I could give this book more than 5 stars I would, but alas, that’s the cutoff.

The Gilded Wolves is already out and is available, be sure to check it out!

Happy reading!

Review: the mermaid’s voice returns in this one by Amanda Lovelace

the mermaid's voiceI’ve read the previous installments in the Women Are Some Kind of Magic series and while I enjoyed them, they weren’t favorites. Lovelace was definitely one of my favored voices in modern poetry and I was willing to give anything she put out a chance. This installment in the trilogy blew me away.

One thing I love about Lovelace’s collections is that she always includes trigger warnings in the beginning. This is so appreciated and valuable when it comes to the type of content being discussed. Her language is beautiful while the emotions and subject matter are very raw and real. The way she phrases and formats her poems lend to the style and the expert use of language.

Perhaps it is my own experiences, but this collection just spoke to me. The progression of the story felt like a real progression of healing and learning. The guest poems from other poets perfectly melded into the collection. While they were different voices being added in, they fit in and belonged there. It was wonderful and heartbreaking at the same time.

I definitely recommend this collection for anyone who enjoys her writing or anyone looking for modern poetry that touches hard hitting and difficult subjects.  The mermaid’s voice returns in this one comes out on March 5th from Andrews McMeel Publishing.

Happy Reading!