Writing Update | 7/20

Hey everyone! As you may know I have been tackling Camp Nanowrimo again and I’m glad to say that the July session is going far better than the April session. Mostly I’m bouncing between a few different projects and both writing new content as well as editing.

I’m mostly on track to hit 50k for the month, but it’s a soft goal so I’m not going to be upset with myself if I don’t hit it. Still, I’m at almost 25k words cumulatively, so I think if this upcoming weekend goes well I will be able to hit it.

How’s Camp going for everyone else?

Happy writing!

Writing Update | 6/25

With the July session of Camp Nanowrimo coming up I realized I hadn’t given a writing update in a while. To be fair, I haven’t yet bounced back from the last year or so mental health wise and have been trying to concentrate on self care and just letting myself be.

April’s Camp Nanowrimo session didn’t see me accomplishing as much as I wanted, but I did make a decent amount of progress. Since then I’ve had a few different ideas hit me, so ended up with three more stories in different stages of progress.

It’s at that point where I have to let it flow when it wants to flow and be kind to myself when it doesn’t. I am planning on doing Camp in July, so we’ll see what happens.

Happy writing!

Writing Update | Camp Nanowrimo

Hey all! I haven’t talked about it a whole lot this month since I’ve been really taking some mental health time, but I have been participating in Camp NaNoWriMo. I started a new project to see where it would take me and so far I’ve written about 18k words.

It’s a slower pace than I would want, but to be honest the first half of the month was rough. In the last week or so things have really picked up, I’ve started actually feeling a bit better and writing wise have been more inspired.

I hope that this year I will be more on track for both Camp sessions as well as regular NaNoWriMo in November, but there’s no way to know for sure. Fingers crossed!

Happy writing!

Writing Update | December 2021

Hey everyone! So as much as I’d like to forget that we just got through November, I sadly can’t. I was ready for NaNoWriMo this year, but the month had different plans. As you may know, I had a hard November, including the loss of a family member, so my head wasn’t really in the right headspace for writing. It started well enough, but after the first week or so things went downhill.

Sometimes these things happen and it seems this year just wasn’t the best writing year for me, capped off with not completing Nano. It’s ok, and I’ll definitely try again next year, but I’d be lying if I wasn’t a little upset at the way my November went.

I’m trying to get back on track now, after the difficulties of the last month, so hopefully I’ll have more to report in the future about my writing endeavors and process.

How did everyone else’s NaNoWriMos go? Happy writing!

Writing Update | 9/21

Hey everyone! I realized it had been quite a while since I talked about writing, so it was about time I brought you up to speed. Since July’s session of Camp Nanowrimo I’ve taken it easy. This ongoing pandemic has impacted my mental health in numerous ways and honestly this year I’ve just needed to accept that and the things that go along with it. I know we’ll get there eventually, I hope things will improve and that we will finally get to that light at the end of the tunnel.

After Camp I was pretty disheartened to be honest, my writing wasn’t flowing as well as I wanted it to and while I was trying to be kind to myself about it, there was still a part of me that was having a hard time with it. I decided I was going to take a break for a while and while that has helped, I know I’m not 100%. My autoimmune conditions have been flaring up as well as my chronic pain, so doing a lot of things have been harder. It’s not an excuse, just plain fact. Posting daily on my blog isn’t always easy, but it’s something I’m committed to because it does bring me joy.

So, writing – I am happy to say that I’ve actually been writing more. I haven’t been forcing myself or trying to hit any goals, just opening up documents when the mood strikes me. I will be participating in Nanowrimo in November, so I’ve made a promise to myself not to push myself until then. I don’t yet know which project I’ll be working on, but it might even be something new. That’s not set in stone of course since I could just work on something existing, but I am excited for November to arrive.

Does anyone else plan on doing Nanowrimo this year?

Happy writing!

Writing Update | 7/31

Hey everyone! So it’s the last day of July and you may have noticed I didn’t have a ton of writing updates the past couple weeks. I did write a few thousand words on a couple different projects, but didn’t really hit my goal. There are a number of factors or reasons that I could go into, but the crux of it is that life is life and things happen.

Plus…Cozy Grove. Playing lots of Cozy Grove.

So yeah, lots of different factors that have meant I haven’t had time to write, I’ve been trying to maintain mental health, improve overall health in general, practice some self care, etc. July was weird and went by super quickly.

So what are my plans going forward after two Camp Nano’s that didn’t go well? I’m still planning on participating in NaNoWriMo in November and planning on winning if possible but until then I might just take a break. I may do some planning as we get closer to November and I’m always jotting down notes and ideas, but until then I may just take it easy and concentrate on other things.

That’s the way I’m feeling I need to go. My day job is taking up a huge amount of time and between reading, gaming and self care I don’t really have the mental space for writing intensely. So I’m going to do a refresh and hopefully come back strong in November.

Happy writing!

Writing Update | 7/7

Hey everyone! For some reason the first week of July got away from me so I haven’t yet started my Camp Nanowrimo project.

I debated just skipping the July session of Camp, but figured it would be better to do it and have something motivating me even if I missed one week. I am just going to work on the story I’ve been working on here and there. I’m not setting too lofty of a goal, so I’ve set it to 25k and we’ll see where we go.

As you can probably tell I’m not going to put a huge amount of pressure on myself. I’m coming out of a reading slump and don’t want to put myself in a writing slump by forcing anything. Last year and this year have taken tolls on so many things, mental health being one of the major ones and I think I’m really feeling the brunt of that now. So with my writing and reading I’m going to be kind with myself and make sure that I have fun with it rather than forcing myself. Anyone else feeling that way?

Happy writing!

Writing Update | 4/26

Well here we are everyone, it’s almost the end of April. I definitely haven’t written the amount that I thought I would in this month, but I’m not too torn up about it. To be honest other things took priority over writing and sometimes that is just the way it goes.

I thought April would be a nice, quiet month where I would be able to get tons of reading and writing done, but in reality it was very stressful. My day job takes priority and I definitely had some high priority projects that had to be done. Add onto that the fact that my cat had to go to the vet for a possibly big procedure (thankfully it ended up being best case scenario and she is absolutely fine!) and we had the loss of a family member in my family at the end of March. All those things kind of compounded together and demanded my time.

Still, in the last week I was able to do some editing and a little bit of writing. Sometimes simply writing myself out of a corner is an accomplishment – and I was able to do that with a couple of my stories. Hopefully that will mean that in future months I’ll be able to get a lot more writing done.

How was everyone else’s April?

Happy writing!

Writing Update | 4/16

Well friends, I do not come with good news today. I was excited to get into April and get some good writing done but here we are halfway through the month and I’ve written a few paragraphs. To be fair at the end of March my family was dealt a blow and we lost a family member, so that definitely contributes to my lack of writing.

I’ve also been gaming. Probably more than I should, but it’s stress relief.

So really it’s just been a month that I’ve been doing some other things and dealing with larger issues. Because of this my muse has decided that they are taking a vacation and have only been appearing when I absolutely cannot write. -_-

I’m still going to do my best to write what I can, but I don’t foresee me reaching my goal for Camp Nanowrimo. You can only do what you can and I’m obviously having to concentrate on other things.

How’s everyone’s month going writing wise?

Happy writing!

Writing Update | 3/30

Well, here we are. We’re on the cusp of the end of March and April is staring me in the face. I have chosen which idea I’m going to work on for Camp Nano, and set a soft goal of 30k words. I figured that is 1000 words a day, but I know that it could end up being a lofty goal with the reading I’m hoping to do, plus working a full time job.

With all that said, I am going to do my best to get a solid start on this story done. It’s only in the beginning stages, but so far I like what I have. I’m not going to give away too much information because it is so new, but I’m hopeful that the muse will play nice and allow me to write.

Who else is doing Camp this year? Are you writing something new, or editing?

Happy writing!