Wrap Up | August 2021

Hey everyone! It’s the beginning of a new month again and somehow August flew by. I’m still enjoying just a few bullet points for my wrap ups, so if you want to see all the books I read and my ratings on books that I read that I don’t necessarily cover on the blog – you are more than welcome to add me as a friend or follow me over on Goodreads. There are some books that I don’t always write up full reviews for, but I always rate them over there. Now, let’s get to it!

  • I ended up reading three of my TBR challenge books, plus one from previous months, so I’m considering that a win in some ways.
  • I got completely caught up with the reboot of Buffy/Angel – I enjoyed the first three volumes of Angel, but the Buffy series has made me feel a tad conflicted. I love the original TV series and most of the original comic series, so having canon tossed on it’s head and so many characters and stories changed? It’s hard to really get into. Like I said the first three Angel volumes and the Willow spinoff were bright spots.
  • I read one more Nancy Drew book and started another, and got one volume closer to the end of Kamisama Kiss.
  • August was really the month that I consumed a lot of graphic novels and ghost story collections, largely because of this I ended up reading a total of 31 titles in August.

So there we have it! The last year and a half have been hard on me, so I’m really hoping with the last quarter of the year I’m able to get caught up on a lot of things.

Happy reading!

Wrap Up | July 2021

Hey everyone! I don’t know what was going on with me in July, but it wasn’t really reading that much. I read 15 books total, but wanted to do way more. So far August is going relatively well, so fingers crossed on that front. Let’s get to what happened in July.

  • I made progress on the Buffy reboot, I’d say I’m about 2/3 of the way through the Buffy/Angel comics currently out.
  • I completed one TBR challenge book…but that’s it.
  • No progress on the existing series during July.

Like I said, it was a weird Month. I can’t tell you how many books got added to my library because I was so out of sorts that I forgot to put it in my journal. I think with the way things have been worsening pandemic wise in my neck of the woods, as well as some stressful stuff at my day job I just didn’t have the time to read, plus I think I had a reading slump going on.

Here’s to August going better!

Happy reading!

Wrap Up | June 2021

Hey everyone! June for me was a very slumpy reading month. Honestly I have been playing more games, watching Rich play games, tending my vegetable garden, celebrating our anniversary, my day job being endlessly busy and always worrying about the state of the world.

Since I don’t review all the books I read on the blog you are more than welcome to add me as a friend or follow me over on Goodreads. There are some books that I don’t always write up full reviews for, but I always rate them over there.

  • I read a total of 14 books this month, six were physical and of those six I am unhauling two. Side note – I have a PangoBooks store where I sell books I’ve decided to unhaul – check it out!
  • I did end up completing two of my TBR challenge books for June, and finished one from a previous month.
  • I didn’t finish any Nancy Drew books, but did read the first volume of the new Buffy series (and wrote down the reading order of the new stuff) and read another volume of Kamisama Kiss.
  • I don’t know if you saw it, but I had a pretty epic shopping trip at Powell’s (the Cedar Hills Crossing location) when Rich and I had to go to Portland for an appointment. If you haven’t seen it yet, I did post a haul.

So that’s about it for June. Right now in the Pacific Northwest it is super hot (if you haven’t heard) so that’s been wreaking havoc on me in many ways not just because it is uncomfortable but because I overheat really easily and it doesn’t play well with my auto-immune conditions. All this to say that I don’t know how July will go, I’m hoping to read a ton more, but it will all depend on how I feel.

Happy reading!

Wrap Up | May 2021

Hey everyone! May flew by super fast! Just when I thought it would slow down a bit, I was wrong. I’m enjoying just a few bullet points for my wrap ups, so if you want to see all the books I read and my ratings on books that I read that I don’t necessarily cover on the blog – you are more than welcome to add me as a friend or follow me over on Goodreads. There are some books that I don’t always write up full reviews for, but I always rate them over there.

  • I completed three of my TBR card challenge books for May and made progress on a few others from previous months. Let’s hope this continues so I can work on the pile that is accumulating!
  • I read two Nancy Drew books in May and started on a third one.
  • I continued a few graphic novel series, though they were all graphic novels. I’m caught up on Isola, working on catching up on Monstress and finished the original seasons of BtVS that Dark Horse originally published, meaning it’s time to move onto the reboot.
  • In total I read 27 books, making it a great month indeed!

How did everyone else’s reading months go? June is set to be a very busy month for me since Rich and I are dealing with some medical stuff and our anniversary is at the end of June so we’ll see how much I’m able to get done.

Happy reading!

Wrap Up | April 2021

Hey everyone! It’s that time again and I have no idea what happened to April. It ended up being a far different month than I anticipated. I’m enjoying just a few bullet points for my wrap ups, so if you want to see all the books I read and my ratings on books that I read that I don’t necessarily cover on the blog – you are more than welcome to add me as a friend or follow me over on Goodreads. There are some books that I don’t always write up full reviews for, but I always rate them over there.

  • I only finished two of last month’s TBR books, but I’m ok with it. I did really enjoy them, so that’s what really matters.
  • I did not read any Nancy Drew books in April.
  • I did not make any progress on series that were ongoing, but started some new ones.
  • April was very much the month of graphic novels, so I read a ton of them!

I’m not sure what my favorite book of the month would be, I had lots of books that I really enjoyed. Even though it wasn’t my typical month, I did still complete 23 books, so I can’t complain.

How did everyone else’s April go?

Happy reading!

Wrap Up | March 2021

Hey everyone! It’s time to talk about how March went for me this time around. It was a little disappointing as I would have preferred to pick up more physical books, but otherwise went by super fast. I’m enjoying just a few bullet points for my wrap ups, so if you want to see all the books I read and my ratings on books that I read that I don’t necessarily cover on the blog – you are more than welcome to add me as a friend or follow me over on Goodreads. There are some books that I don’t always write up full reviews for, but I always rate them over there.

  • For my TBR game I only ended up getting to two of my picks. I had really hoped that I would knock out more of them, but sometimes it just doesn’t happen. I am keeping a stack of the ones I don’t get to though, so I’m carrying them over.
  • I ended up reading two Nancy Drew books which were The Haunted Bridge and The Clue of the Tapping Heels.
  • I didn’t make any progress on the series that I want to complete in 2021 but I did manage to add the remaining volumes of Fruits Basket to my collection that I needed.

My favorite book of the month had to be Pet, but it also hit me very very hard. That is one heavy book that I definitely recommend people pick up. All in all I finished 22 books in the month, but I definitely had hoped to finish more.

Happy reading!

Wrap Up | February 2021

Hey everyone! It’s that time of month again and once again I’m going to just do bullet point updates since that is what feels comfortable for me right now. If you want to see all the books I read and my ratings on books that I read that I don’t necessarily cover on the blog – you are more than welcome to add me as a friend or follow me over on Goodreads. There are some books that I don’t always write up full reviews for, but I always rate them over there.

February was weird for me, I was very much in a semi-reading slump, mostly because I wasn’t feeling well. There were lots of naps and taking it easy when I wasn’t working. This is something that is just normal when it comes to my auto-immune conditions and while I don’t love it, it’s something I have to recognize and listen to or I will make myself sick.

  • For my TBR game I read three of the six books I had selected. I did recently finish a fourth one from January’s list since I was in the middle of it when the month changed. I did not tackle any of my carry over books from previous months. February was a bit of a slumpy month for me.
  • I didn’t pick up any Nancy Drew books, so I didn’t advance any farther on that.
  • I did read another volume of Fruits Basket and completed Locke and Key so I did make progress there.

I didn’t really have a favorite book last month, though the last volume of Locke and Key did get five stars from me. I felt it was a really strong conclusion (even though I already knew what happened) and I’m glad I finally finished the series in its original material.

Happy reading!

Wrap Up | January 2021

Hey everyone! I know I haven’t done wrap ups in a while but they are definitely back. There are going to be some changes though. I’m not going to be going super in depth on what I read or my specific ratings and do something more like bullet point updates. This may evolve and change over time, but I’m going to do what feels right to me.

If you want to see all the books I read and my ratings on books that I read that I don’t necessarily cover on the blog – you are more than welcome to add me as a friend or follow me over on Goodreads. There are some books that I don’t always write up full reviews for, but I always rate them over there.

While today is still technically the 31st, I don’t anticipate finishing any more books by the end of the day, so I’m fairly confident this post will be accurate. In the month of January I’ve completed a total of 32 books, which does include a good mix of poetry, manga, graphic novels and short stories/novellas in addition to full length novels.

  • For my TBR game I ended up completing four of the six books I had selected, which I’m pretty happy with. Yes, I probably could have taken care of at least one of them this weekend, but it ended up being more of a self care weekend where I did other things. I will be carrying Shutter and Bed of Roses over until I finish them.
  • For my Nancy Drew reread “challenge” I ended up completing three books, which were 12-14 – The Message in the Hollow Oak, The Mystery of the Ivory Charm and The Whispering Statue.
  • For my Series I want to complete in 2021 goal I made progress on both Fruits Basket and Locke and Key.

Now for something completely new, I decided that when I can clearly define what my favorite book of the month was I would include it in my wrap up. This month I definitely had a favorite, which ended up being Amari and the Night Brothers by B.B. Alston. I cannot praise this book enough and encourage everyone to read it, if you want to find out more you can always check out my review of it for more info.

That’s going to cover it for this month! As I said I will likely make changes to what information I include in wrap ups, but for now this is the type of format I’m going to work with.

Happy reading!

May Wrap Up and Haul

So, it’s time to talk about May and in general it wasn’t a great month. I know a lot of people who are home more have been reading a ton more and plowing through their TBRs…not so much for me. The mental and emotional toll of 2020 has thrown me into a major reading slump, even though I’m enjoying a lot of what I’m reading. Safe to say this post will be a shorter one, but it is what it is.

I read a total of 18 books in May and most of those were either Kindle Unlimited graphic novels or review books. Review books were really my focus because of course I would like to stay caught up. Of all of them two were physical books, one from my TBR and one physical ARC that was kindly sent to me by Tor.

I had five 3 star books, ten 4 star books and three 5 star books, so I was obviously liking pretty much everything I read.

I only added three books to my TBR this month, so that was also a win. In May I wasn’t doing a ton of shopping and was just in a funk in general (my bank account thanks me) so I just didn’t buy a ton of books.

So that’s it for May! I’m hoping June will be far better and I’ll be able to get back in my groove of reading. What did you read this month? How many books have you bought in lockdown?

Happy reading!

Wrap Up and Haul | April 2020

April was a very interesting month, to be sure. Whether you’re an essential worker, high risk, suddenly without employment or otherwise, it’s been a difficult season. I have been lucky enough to keep my full time job and have been allowed to work from home, which is good since I am part of the high risk population. Even with this my anxiety and depression have been increasing and my ability to focus on things such as reading has been hampered.

That being said imagine my surprise when I ended up reading the most books of the year so far in April! To be fair many of those that were not review books were either graphic novels or novella length so they were relatively quick reads.

In total I read 29 books, 16 of which were review books. The rest were ebooks. Yep, that’s right, I didn’t read any physical books from my TBR. The only physical book I was able to move to my read shelf was Night of the Dragon, which I read as an ARC and had pre-ordered a physical copy.

For star ratings I had five 2 star books, nine 3 star books, eleven 4 star books and four 5 star books. Overall a positive reading month in that respect.

Now onto the books I hauled. Overall not a ton added to the TBR list, but there were some. April is my birthday month, so in lieu of getting together for my birthday my mom paid for a Book Outlet order as well as a Thriftbooks order. In addition to those I did get some books from Amazon and Book of the Month.

There were more books in the Book Outlet order (picture on the left) but they were books I had already read so they went on the read shelf and don’t go into my TBR. The same goes for the Thrift Books order, but that order was another big batch of Nancy Drew books to add to my collection.

So that covers everything! Hopefully May will be a better month mental health wise (I know so many people are suffering right now with similar things) and will lead to me knocking more books off of my TBR!

What did you pick up this month? Happy reading!